More Than the Music

S. J. Wynn
Feb 11, 2022

More than the music,
More than the writing;
There’s us.

What we are,
What we become;
What we can be.

It’s the World.

Because if we can,
Anyone can;
It’s that important.

(That necessary.)

That much a gift that I find you,
That I know you;
That we become what we are.

The Magic.
The Epic.
The Us.

We Are starts with Hello,
Ends Yesterday’s endings;
Gives Hope.

Is Hope.

Is the beginning that makes Herself
New everyday by adding on
To The Day Before’s Beautiful.


Originally published at on February 11, 2022.



S. J. Wynn

Keep Going. Keep it Going… It’s not a matter of if, it’s just a matter of… \O/ …